Haruki Murakami – Princess of Asturias Award for Literature 2023

May 26, 2023
Haruki Murakami

The Jury of the 2023 Princess of Asturias Award for Literature decided on Wednesday to bestow the distinction on Haruki Murakami.

According to the jury, Murakami has been able to express some of the great themes and conflicts of our time, loneliness, existential uncertainty, the dehumanization of big cities, terrorism, and the care of the body.

The result was reached unanimously and also took into account “the uniqueness of his literature,” as well as its universal scope, and his ability to reconcile the most autochthonous of Japanese tradition and “the legacy of Western culture in an ambitious and innovative narrative.”

On this occasion, 37 candidatures from 17 nationalities were presented to opt for the award, which this year reaches its XLIII edition.

According to the Princess of Asturias Foundation, the award is intended to highlight “scientific, technical, cultural, social and humanitarian work carried out by individuals, institutions, groups of people or institutions in the international arena.”