Dialektika is included in Sherpa Romeo

January 23, 2023
Dialektika in The Philosopher’s Index

It is with great pleasure that we inform our community that the academic journal of our platform Dialektika, has been included in Sherpa Romeo.

With its inclusion, Dialektika: Journal of Philosophy and Social Theory is recognized as an open-access publication. This is a necessary step for the inclusion of Dialektika in repositories and lists of global relevance.

For its part, Sherpa Romeo is defined as an online resource that brings together the open-access policies of publishers and journals from around the world.

“Every registered publisher or journal held in Romeo is carefully reviewed and analyzed” by that team of specialists who “provide summaries of self-archiving permissions and conditions of rights given to authors on a journal-by-journal basis where possible.”

Once again, we thank authors, reviewers, editors, and readers for their continued support of our work.

For those who are reading us for the first time, Dialektika is a platform that brings together several spaces for the production and dissemination of content in philosophy, social sciences, and humanities.

The platform contains a magazine, two academic journals, institutional projects with educational centers, and other spaces. All content is produced in Spanish and English.