Call for Papers: Semas-Journal of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics

December 20, 2018

Call for Papers

The Editorial Committee of Semas – Journal of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics invites the academic community to collaborate in its first issue. The journal invites researchers, scholars, and graduate students to present original papers that provide relevant knowledge in the area of ​​Theoretical and Applied Linguistics. 

The papers should suggest new orientations on topics, methodologies, approaches and bibliographical sources. Critical and theoretical reflections will be accepted, as well as reviews. The contributions must be original and not be committed with other journals or publishers. Semas accepts contributions in Spanish and English. All of them will be submitted to a peer review process for validation prior to publication.

The first call will be open until February 4, 2018. The received materials after this date will be considered for the next issue of the publication. Instructions for authors and style guidelines (in Spanish) here:

Semas. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
Directors: Dr. Juliana de la Mora and Dr. Eva Patricia Velázquez Upegui
Editors: Mtra. Sandra Arteaga Santos and Mtro. Stanislav Mulík
School of Languages and Letters, Autonomous University of Querétaro

Email: [email protected]