Didáctica Filosófica – A new Proposal

July 14, 2019
Philosophy Didactics


Since Dialektika’s virtual beginning, we have raised our full support for the philosophy that thinks not only the theoretical realm but also everyday life. We believe that, in times when populism and conservatism threaten to undermine our democratic world, public philosophy can and should be a place where critical thinking and inquiry meet each other.

That said, the recent effort of Didáctica Filosófica falls very well in this category; in the broad group of initiatives that are made at a global level to confront ignorance and indifference.

Didáctica Filosófica is a platform that targets the knowledgeable and non-knowledgeable audience. On their presentation website, you can read that they are “a team of professors and specialists in the field of arts and humanities linked to the Complutense University of Madrid.” The published digital material is the result of the Teaching Innovation Project called “The teaching of Philosophy in the XXI Century: experiences and challenges.”

“The objective of this website is to help teachers in their practice and also for students so that they can find sources of information about philosophy from different points of view.”

In addition to the introduction, the platform consists of five modules. The first of these offers materials on Cooperative Learning (Aprendizaje Cooperativo (AC) in Spanish). The second one provides a “critical journey” through the fundamental pedagogical models and the sectoral educational theories on the teaching of philosophy. The third one presents materials to support lessons, such as reading scripts, questionnaires, and even movies. In the fourth module, under the name “Other tools,” the interested individuals will find seven significant sections to support the teaching and learning of philosophy: literature and theater, fine arts, music, on the usefulness of philosophy, gamification and cuisine. And finally, in Comments and Dissertations, “the questions regarding how to do dissertations and text comments are addressed.”

We invite the philosophical community, students, teachers, or merely interested to take a look at this fascinating compilation of materials.

In this way, we can also support philosophy’s constant work for the improvement of critical thinking.