Political and Social Studies International Meeting (XIV Edition) – Extended Deadline.

March 3, 2019
Political and Social Studies
Havana University, Arocha | 2019

The Faculty of Philosophy and History of the University of Havana together with the Association of Latin American and Caribbean Historians have announced the extension of the registration period of the XIV International Meeting of Political and Social Studies.

New Deadline: March 28, 2019.

With a long and solid history of meetings, this is an event that is characterized by the scientific debate regarding the most critical problems of this century and their possible solutions from the perspective of Political Sciences with a multidisciplinary approach.

The event will gather specialists between May 6 and 10 to discuss topics such as “Multidisciplinary political and social studies,” “Science, technology, innovation and politics,” “Aesthetics, politics, identity, and multiculturalism,” among others that you can consult in the official page of the event (in Spanish).

Collateral Activities to the Event

  • Colloquium “The Cuban Revolution in its LX Anniversary.”
  • X Colloquium on Multidisciplinary Political and Social Studies
  • IV Workshop on Historical Studies and Multidisciplinary and Comparative Political Processes on Latin America
  • XII Workshop on Comparative Social and Political Studies
  • V Symposium on Science, Technology, Innovation and Politics
  • V Workshop on Aesthetics, Politics, Identity, and Multiculturalism

On the official website, you can consult all the relevant information on the format and structure of the collaborations, as well as everything necessary concerning the trip.

More Information

Political and Social Studies Site: http://www.estudiospoliticosysociales.com/

For inquiries please contact:

Organizing Committee: estudiospoliticos19@gmail.com


Dr. Emilio Duharte Díaz. Email: duhartediaz@gmail.com

President. Full Professor and Researcher of Political Sciences, Applied Ethics and Social Studies on Science, Technology, and Innovation.


MSc. Anabel Recio González. Email: anabel@ffh.uh.cu

Vice President and secretary of information. Master in Anthropology and currently studying the Doctoral Program in Political Science.
