The Emotions of Others – Documentary Essay

January 23, 2023

Directed by artists Jacob Cartwright & Nick Jordan, ‘The Emotions of Others’ forms part of the AHRC ‘Knowledge of Emotion: Expression and Social Cognition’ project (2012-2015), undertaken at The University of Manchester.

The Arts and Humanities Research Council-funded Knowledge of Emotion (KofE) project began in April 2012 and ran until September 2015. Directed by Joel Smith and Catharine Abell, the project undertook a sustained and comprehensive investigation into the role of emotional expression in social cognition.

It is important to know the emotional state of those around us. We need to know how others are feeling to assess their sincerity and to act rightly towards them. Ethical, legal and political decisions are often highly influenced by judgements about the emotions of others. Those others can be experienced ‘in the flesh’ or represented in various media, including newspapers, television and radio.

More in Knowledge of Emotion: Expression and Social Cognition