Decalogue for Better Writing with ChatGPT Assistance

June 8, 2024

By Beatriz Méndez Guerrero, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

The learning of writing is a cornerstone in all formative stages, as it fosters critical thinking, the structuring of ideas, and the transmission of information. With the advent and establishment of generative artificial intelligence technologies that create their own texts or “write,” the way writing is acquired and practiced in the classroom must inevitably be reviewed, along with reflecting on its future role in education.

More experts are pointing to the need to integrate artificial intelligence into learning by establishing guidelines for responsible use. This must also be applied to writing, where it is equally essential to propose strategies to guide students.

Below is a decalogue for students and teachers interested in incorporating artificial intelligence, such as ChatGPT, into the didactics of writing.

Decalogue for Using ChatGPT in Text Writing

1. Idea Generation and Brainstorming: We can explore different approaches, perspectives, and arguments related to a specific topic through ChatGPT. This way, we can expand preliminary ideas, improve topic comprehension, and identify possible starting points for the text. This could be done as follows: “I am a student of (indicate course). I want to explore different approaches and perspectives on the topic of (indicate topic) for a (indicate type of text: essay, monograph) in the subject (indicate subject). Provide a list of ideas to add to these preliminary ideas (add a list of your own ideas). Use formal and academic language, and don’t forget to cite the sources from which you extract the information.”

2. Analysis and Synthesis of Available Information: It can be useful to summarize articles, research, or documents related to the study area, with the help of ChatGPT, to provide an overview of key ideas and main arguments. This will help identify the most pertinent sources. For example: “I am a student of (indicate course). I need to summarize the main points and arguments of this research (attach text) for a school/university project in the subject (indicate subject). Provide a summary in paragraph format, using formal and academic language.”

3. Development of Writing Schemes and Structures: Organize our ideas logically and coherently, with the collaboration of ChatGPT, to identify the main points to address in the text. This way, we establish a clear direction for our writing and achieve a well-organized text. For example: “I am a student of (indicate course). I want to organize my ideas on (indicate topic) for a (type of text) in the subject (indicate subject). Provide a logical and coherent outline in list format based on the ideas from the document (attached file). Use formal and clear language.”

4. Improving Our Argumentation Skills: Generate new arguments and counterarguments for our text based on relevant information and evidence. Add examples for each of them provided by ChatGPT. This way, the text will be stronger, and we can evaluate its soundness. For example: “I am a student of (indicate course). I need to add arguments and counterarguments to this text (attach text) for the subject (indicate subject). Provide examples for each argument and counterargument you provide. Use formal and evidence-based language, and don’t forget to cite the sources from which you extract the information.”

5. Exploring Vocabulary and Style: To increase our vocabulary and improve our style, we can ask ChatGPT for suggestions of synonyms, antonyms, or words related to the text’s topic. This way, we will enrich our written expression and improve the text’s quality. One option would be: “I am a student of (indicate course). I want to improve the vocabulary and style of my text (indicate type of text and attach text) for the subject (indicate subject). Suggest synonyms and antonyms for the words that are repeated in the text, using formal and precise language. Also, review the style of the entire text to ensure it fits an academic style.”

6. Visual Organization of the Text: We can ask ChatGPT to suggest resources to improve the visual organization of the text, such as bullet points, enumerations, subtitles, or images. This way, the document will be visually attractive and easy to follow. For example: “I am a student of (indicate course). I need to improve the visual organization of my text (attach text) to make it clearer and more precise. Make suggestions on the format to add subtitles, enumerations, images, diagrams, tables, or any other graphic or visual resource suitable for a (indicate the type of text). Always use formal language.”

7. Writing Citations and References: If we provide ChatGPT with relevant information about a source (author, title, year of publication…), we can ask it to generate the citation in the appropriate format (APA, MLA, Chicago). This will save time and reduce errors. It could be done as follows: “I am a student of (indicate course). I need to generate a citation in (indicate format) for the following source (add information about the source).”

8. Text Review: After completing the first draft, we can review the text for grammatical errors, logical inconsistencies, or coherence issues, asking ChatGPT to provide comments and suggestions on how to improve the clarity and effectiveness of our writing: “I am a student of (indicate course). I want to review my first draft (attach text) for a (type of text and subject). Provide comments on grammatical and spelling errors, logical inconsistencies, and sentence and paragraph format. Use formal and clear language.”

9. Correction of Formatting Errors: Ask ChatGPT to identify and correct common formatting errors, such as incorrect spacing, inconsistent alignment, or incorrect margins. It can also suggest how to adjust the document’s format to meet specified norms and guidelines: “I am a student of (indicate course). I need to identify and correct formatting errors in my document (attach text). Provide suggestions to correct possible formatting errors like incorrect spacing, inconsistent alignment, or incorrect margins. Also, make sure my text fits a (type of text) and propose improvements.”

10. Text Evaluation: If we send the final version of our text to ChatGPT, we can request formative evaluation or personalized feedback. This way, we can identify areas for improvement and develop writing skills progressively and continuously over time. For example: “I am a student of (indicate course and subject). I want to receive a formative evaluation of the final version of my text (attach text). Provide personalized feedback in paragraph format on the text’s strengths and areas for improvement. Focus the feedback on the following aspects: coherence, cohesion, adequacy, and correctness, based on the following text genre (indicate the type of text: essay, review, monograph…).”

Responsible Digital Competence

This decalogue aims to train learners to be critical and responsible technological users, capable of maximizing technology’s benefits without compromising the learning process.

To achieve this, we must adopt a balanced approach that combines technology integration in the classroom with teacher supervision. This will prepare students to enter the current digital world confidently and competently.

Dialektika completed this translation from the original text, which can be consulted in Spanish on this page.